Hello there,
I have been studying cybersecurity since 2019, and my passion and dedication to this field have grown stronger over time. My goal is to work in cybersecurity, and I am excited to showcase my educational journey and the skills I have acquired throughout these years and maybe help others along the way.
I also like to code scripts and websites. I have experience coding with Python, JavaScript, PHP, and of course, HTML and CSS.
Here’s a sample of my journey until now;
Technical School:
- Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (System Development) - ETEC Irmã Agostina - 2020-2021 - Graduation Project: GitRepo
TCM Security:
- Practical Ethical Hacking - Currently studying
TryHackMe Certifications:
- Red Teaming - Currently studying
- Jr Penetration Tester - Currently studying
- Complete Beginner -2023
- Web Fundamentals - 2022
- Pre Security - 2022
- Introduction to Cyber Security -2022
My TryHackMe profile:
Técnicas de Invasão by Bruno Fraga Certifications:
- TDI - Tecnicas de Invasão (Intrusion Techniques) - Currently studying
- FCO - Fundamentos em Cibersegurança Ofensiva (Offensive Security Fundamentals) - Currently studying
Fundação Bradesco Certifications:
- Linguagem de Programação Python Básico e Avançado (Basic and Advanced Python Programming) - 2023
- Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) (General Data Protection Law) - 2023
- Sistemas Operacionais (Operating Systems) - 2019
- Fundamentos de TI - Hardware e Software (IT Fundamentals - Hardware and Software) - 2019
- Inovando com CSS (Innovating with CSS) - 2019
- HTML - Básico e Avançado (Basic and Advanced HTML) - 2019
- Segurança em Tecnologia da Informação (Information Technology Security) - 2019
- Fundamentos de Lógica de Programação (Fundamentals of Programming Logic) - 2018
Feel free to connect with me on social media to learn more about me:
Thank you for visiting. I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights as I continue on this path.
Happy Hacking,